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Drug Possession and Factors Impacting Sentencing

November 9, 2023

Arizona Drug Possession Charges & Sentencing If you’re facing a drug possession charge, you are probably wondering what the consequences might be, which vary widely from state to state. Here is an overview of what a drug possession charge means and what factors may impact sentencing. Drug Possession Drug possession is a crime in both

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Criminal Law FAQs and False Assumptions

November 9, 2023

FALSE ASSUMPTIONS IN CRIMINAL LAW In my 26 years of successfully defending thousands of people prosecuted for all types of misdemeanors and felonies, I have been long troubled by several false assumptions many people have about Arizona’s criminal laws. In this article, I will try to address some common questions of concern.   YOU CAN

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Domestic Violence in the Workplace

November 9, 2023

Workplace and Domestic Violence in Arizona Domestic violence isn’t just something that occurs at home when there’s a fight. You can be brought up on domestic violence charges for something that happens at work too. Remember, “domestic violence” is not a crime. It is an allegation or enhancement to a criminal act, such as assault or

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Statute of Limitations

November 9, 2023

Statutes of Limitations & Timing in Criminal Cases Several times a week, I am contacted and asked questions about whether a case can be prosecuted or how long the criminal process take.  Time limits are specifically set out in our statutes and court rules. I hope the following information can at least provide you with

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Arizona Sentencing Laws

November 9, 2023

How much time am I going to get? Arizona sentencing laws are tough. After one is convicted of a criminal offense, the judge will sentence you. The range of Arizona sentencing laws will depend on the type of offense involved. As a criminal defense attorney, we actually have books devoted to sentencing.  Sentencing can be

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