Confessing to Possession of Child Pornography Mandatory Reporting of Possession of Child Pornography A few days ago, A new client retained my services concerning potential charges for sexual exploitation of a minor. That is Arizona’s fancy label for anyone accused of possession of child pornography. The most troubling aspect of my new client’s case is
Criminal Procedure 101: A Basic Primer Your client’s son has just been arrested and he is being carted off to jail in Phoenix. Your client is scared to death for his kid and is calling you for guidance. What are you going to do? When you do not practice criminal law in Arizona, the call
Simply stated, sexual exploitation of a minor – commonly referred to as child pornography – is one of the most substantial felonies one can commit in Arizona. As set forth in ARS 13-3553, mere possession of any visual depiction of a minor engaged in any exploitive exhibition or other sexual conduct is a class two
Why I Defend the Criminally Accused In law school, I would like to believe we have all had our “Paper Chase” moment (hope I am not dating myself… If I am, rent the movie or watch the TV show on Netflix) where Professor Kingsfield pulls his seating chart, finds your picture, and calls your name
Protect Yourself From Search And Seizure There is absolutely no way for me to even begin to discuss the scope of Arizona search and seizure law in a brief article. But recent developments in both technology and rulings from the US supreme court have changed search of seizure law. The 4th amendment to the United