Assault occurs when an individual recklessly, intentionally, and knowingly attempts to inflict serious injury to a victim. This also includes insulting, stalking, harassment, touching, and wounding, or physically assaulting the victim with full intent to cause serious bodily injury. The penalties of assault charges include costly fines and imprisonment. This is why it is important
Entrapment is when a police officer uses coercion and other overbearing tactics to get someone to commit a crime. It can be used as a criminal defense to convince the court that had it not been for the law officer’s actions, the defendant would not have committed the crime. Entrapment was established to prevent outrageous
Expungement in Arizona: What You Need to Know Are you ready for the truth? In Arizona, expungements are NOT legally available. Yet, almost every day, I am asked to help someone expunge their criminal record. Despite no expungements but for the recent change in law for marijuana possession, Arizona expungements have a hot sister known
From indecent exposure to murdering while committing rape, there are a lot of incidents that are considered sex crimes. Unfortunately, some who are prosecuted have been wrongly accused, are sentenced to jail for a crime they did not commit, and are to be included in sex offender registries. Considering how grave this act is, all