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Felony Probation: 6 Things to Consider Before You Sign the Deal

November 9, 2023

Consideration Before Signing a Plea Bargain in Arizona Is there a way to avoid a prison sentence for committing a crime? If you’ve been charged with a felony on your first offense, then you can enter a plea agreement and be considered for probation. This is referred to as felony probation, also referred to as

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Defense Strategies for Domestic Violence

November 9, 2023

Domestic Violence & Criminal Cases involving Domestic Abuse in Arizona Domestic violence is not just about intentional serious physical injuries. The Arizona statute defines domestic violence as any behavior of an abuser that may involve intentionally and knowingly causing physical harm. The domestic assault has a relatively straight-forward definition: offenders are guilty of assaulting an

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Collateral Consequences of a Criminal Conviction in Arizona

November 9, 2023

Jail Time & Fines are Just the Start After an arrest, my client’s primary concern is going to jail or prison. But, in many cases, the larger problem is the collateral consequences of a criminal conviction.  Mandatory incarceration is only the beginning of you being sentenced within the full extent of allowable “punishment” that the

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Classic Thefts Gone Wrong

November 9, 2023
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Probation Violation Laws

November 9, 2023

Probation in criminal law is a period of supervision over a convicted offender instead of serving time in prison, as ordered by the court. If you violate the law or committed a felony or misdemeanor and are put on probation instead of facing jail time, you must conform with the rules of the probation for a misdemeanor.  Violating probation

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