Dealing with Sex Crimes in Phoenix, AZ Arguably, one of the most significant controversies that can spark a community is sex crime. Proven guilty or not, society tends to judge from their interpretation of the information presented to them, verified or not. If you are charged with sexual assault in Arizona, you need to have
Strangulation or Impeded Breathing Attorney in Phoenix, Arizona Domestic violence charges are always serious and often complex cases. Strangulation or choking, when the victim’s ability to breathe has been impeded, is a form of domestic violence that can be charged as a Class 4 Felony in Arizona. A felony charge for Aggravated Assault adds another
Testifying in Court in Phoenix, Arizona Being a defense witness in a criminal case is, without a doubt, one of the least attractive roles one may play in a criminal case. This is often owing to the fact that if a defendant is found guilty of a felony offense, they may face harsh repercussions. However,
Legal Separation and Divorce Explained Getting divorced or legally separated is never easy for either spouse. More than legal fees, the actual cost of a divorce or legal separation is seen in what parties are going through emotionally. Getting a divorce or filing for legal separation is difficult for couples with no children, even more