Probation in criminal law is a period of supervision over a convicted offender instead of serving time in prison, as ordered by the court. If you violate the law or committed a felony or misdemeanor and are put on probation instead of facing jail time, you must conform with the rules of the probation for a misdemeanor. Violating probation
Domestic Violence and Felony Charges in Arizona Domestic violence refers to domestic abuse, or the physical abuse or sexual violence of someone who lives in the same household as the victim, whether it’s their family member, spouse, roommate, or other. This can involve assault and battery, as well as emotional abuse. In Arizona, domestic violence
Administrative Actions Against Your Professional License in Arizona Just being charged with a crime in Arizona can trigger a tsunami of collateral consequences including suspension or revocation of your professional license or other administrative actions affecting your professional license. When so much is on the line, responding to or defending yourself against an administrative action